Sunday, September 5, 2010


Tenzin Lekshay

"Future Tibet will be a peace-loving nation, adhering to the principle of Ahimsa. It will have a democratic system of government committed to preserving a clean, healthy and beautiful environment. Tibet will be a completely demilitarized nation."-His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Guidelines for Future Tibet polity, 26 February 1992

Tibet has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years, ruled by great kings of Tibet. It was one amongst the old nations where the realms of Tibetan kings spread across nations ranging from Central Asia to China in the east. Tibet at one point of history was considered a great warrior nation but just like any other great nation, it later went through a stage of disintegration. The golden age of Tibet brought many reforms inside Tibet, with an introduction of Buddhism as a state religion, creation of Tibetan language, astrology, medicine, arts and music. During the reign of King Songsten Gampo in 7th century, Tibet was literally guarded by four regiments 'Ru bshi' from four directions. Even today, it is believed that a cluster of people belonging to one of those groups still exist in Central China. The clan of warriors, who was posted in the Far East were instructed by the king not to return to their native without king's command. Waiting for the king's command, centuries passed and those obedient troops stayed back and established their own clan, which is known as 'bkha ma lok'. Even in Nepal, people of Tamang ethnic group, once considered a horse warriors of Tibet, faced a similar fate and never returned to their native.


Tenzin Lekshay

Last month, Sino-Indian relation was swamped by many hair raising episodes, which placed India on high alert with the much pugnacious actions of China over the borders, and diplomatic provocations including its denial of Visa to Lt. General B.S. Jaswal. Over the five decades, Sino-Indian relations sailed through rough edges despite Pandit Nehru's sweat toils in engaging with China. It is of no doubt that some historical developments over the years had dictated the bitter relationship between these two Asian Giants. The Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959 was the orifice of contemporary Sino-Indian relations, which for the first time in the history of India, brought China to a close neighbourhood, and caused Sino-Indian War of 1962. It became a precedent of a real politic of shrouded competition and 'Frienemy' between India and China. China, unambiguously ventures to expand farthest of its territorial and maritime capturing Tibet, East Turkestan, Mongolia and Manchuria in the north and west. Integration of such a gigantic landmasses widely opens a door of interference to the Central and South West Asia.

The gluelike all weathered Pakistan-China ally, continual incursions over the borders, militarization and rapid developmental plans inside Tibet, and diplomatic animus make India vulnerable to the core of its security and sovereignty. The problems of Tawang, Kashmir and other disputed areas along the Himalayan ranges arises somehow due to China's invasion of Tibet and since then become a contentious issue in frequent terms, irrespective of continual economic and diplomatic engagements.