" A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth" - Joseph Goebbels
Sino-Tibetan problem is highly a complex and sensitive issue, which was bonded by the myths of great imperialist (British), and the strength of a post colonized emerging power (China). In the mid 20th Century, Tibet was sandwiched between the great powers, who had gambled Tibet for their own sake. The great games were played with Tibet, and China still plays and holds their position tight with the barrel of a gun. After British left India, China's interest on Tibet was materialized and started positioning their stronghold base in Tibet. During the invasion, Tibetan resistant movement fought many battles and sacrificed their life for their country and Dharma (Buddhism). Unfortunately, ill-equipped small local contingent of Tibetan warriors could not match the size of well equipped merciless intruder. It took nearly a decade for China to fully occupy Tibet.